Care Plans

Safe Guard Your Website

Imagine This...

Your fan-freakin-tastic new site – that you invested thousands of dollars in – has launched. And it’s already starting to pay for itself by pulling in more leads and customers! Then one day – out of nowhere – comes this stomach-dropping discovery: ‘My website’s broken’. . . and you don’t know what the heck to do about it – and you don’t have a tech whiz on your team to fix it quickly.

You don’t even know what caused the problem. Did an update go wrong? Did a plugin go rogue? Did hackers break in? You don’t know where to find out. And it’s not like you can get up to speed with all this stuff in one afternoon.

Because you are up against a ticking clock here. You already know this situation has Business Emergency status written all over it. You know that for every minute your site is down, you’re hemorrhaging revenue (and just when you were seeing an increase since launching the new site too).

You need someone to get it back up and running, like, RIGHT NOW. But who? Where can you find someone you can trust? How quickly can they get it done? And how much will this cost you?

You can’t help but worry in case your website is unfixable and wondering if you’ll have to start from scratch – and pay thousands of dollars (all over again) to get it rebuilt.

Sheesh. Situations like this 👆 happen every day (we all hear the horror stories but shrug it off and think “that won’t happen to me.”)

The bad news is: if you don’t have a tech person maintaining and monitoring your website, it absolutely CAN happen to you.

Because here’s the thing. Your new website won’t be a “set it and forget it” kind of deal when it launches (as nice as that would be!). It will need ongoing TLC and updates to keep it safe from hackers, keep it running fast . . . and of course, keep it a little corner of the internet your visitors will want to return to (and buy from!).

The good news is you can now:

Feel confident that your website is secure, fast, and functional every single day

- without needing to worry about sudden emergencies or expensive fixes

You’re investing a lot of money into a beautiful website; a solid source of revenue and lead generation that will work for you 24-7. An investment that big deserves protection.

When you have a tech expert (like moi!)

It means

But now here's what you're thinking...

Sure, you could click the update buttons for all the plugins and WordPress updates yourself. Not a problem there.
But what happens when you’ve done the updates and your whole site breaks – and you have zero idea of what caused it?
Well. To be blunt, your website could be down for a really long time and cost your business a LOT in lost revenue.
And if you have a VA looking after your site who isn’t fully trained, you’re going to run into the same issue. If your VA doesn’t know how to install a backup, troubleshoot the problem, or figure out essential tech workarounds, then again, you’re looking at your site being down for a while.

Understanding how to manage a site and all the tech that goes on behind the scenes isn’t something you can easily teach other people how to do.

I would be essentially trying to pass down 10 years’ worth of experience and knowledge I’ve gained from various coding courses, certifications and real life situations.

I can’t break all of that down into a few easy-to-follow tutorials, unfortunately. (Makes me break into a nervous sweat just thinking about attempting that!).

Let’s talk about hosting first. Typically, when you sign up for a maintenance package with someone, your website is hosted on their servers. In my experience, clients who have little wiggle room in the budget turn down maintenance plans, opt for the DIY route and choose a discounted hosting package instead. 

Here’s the problem. Discounted hosting may be cheap, but it makes your site run super duper slow. 

So imagine this: we finish your custom project and you’ve got a beautiful new website that’s built for high performance and speed. . . only for it to run at a snail’s pace once it’s been migrated to your hosting.  Visitors are bouncing because your homepage takes way too long to load. So that boost in sales you were hoping to see from your new site? Sabotaged by slow hosting. 

Now here’s my two cents on the tech maintenance side of things. Deep breath. Fixing a broken website costs more money (like, a lot more) than bringing an expert on board to maintain and monitor your site.

If you’re on a tight budget, what will happen in a worst-case scenario? Where will the money be coming from then to fix the problem? This is your business’s website we’re talking about, so it would definitely need to be fixed somehow! 

It’s way better for your business – and your wallet – to take a proactive approach to your website. When you have somebody looking after your site, they’re there to stop problems before they have a chance to snowball. Keeping everything running smoothly is the best way to protect your customer experience, profit margins and your brand reputation.

The bottom line: waiting until a major problem happens and then scrambling to fix it fast (AKA the reactive approach), costs more money, takes more time, and your reputation takes a hit.  

Stepping off my podium now.

It may be cheaper, but your website won’t actually be “managed,” per se. Their systems automatically handle updates but nobody physically checks your site to make sure the updates haven’t broken anything. 

It’s far better to work with someone who will assess each update before actioning them and decide the next best step. 

For example: let’s say one of your plugins depends on another. An update has just been rolled out for one plugin but not the other. Hitting the update button instead of waiting for the other plugin’s update to be released will break your site. With WordPress Managed Hosting, that update will be actioned automatically. With a dedicated maintenance person, they’ll know to wait for the second update. 

Sure, WordPress Managed Hosting will install a clean backup for you. But when you have someone properly managing your site, there’s no downtime and no need for a backup at all. 

You deserve someone who will look after your website as if it were their own.

Which brings me to . . .

Care Plans

A monthly subscription service to maintain your website’s security and speed - and stop tech problems spiralling out of control.

With a care plan you:

"Working with
Lena is magical."

" Through active listening and intuition, Lena carefully guides her clients through the process of creating beautiful, engaging, and effective websites. In addition, she manages them as if they were her own. We have never been worried about the security of our site. Lena carefully monitors activity and advises us when something concerns her. It is such a relief knowing that our site is in such excellent hands. Lena is truly one of the best designers/tech managers we have ever worked with. We're very fortunate to have her as a member of our team.”

- Katana Abbott, Retirement Reinvention coach

What's included

Regular website theme + plugin updates

Every month (weekly for plus + premium plans), my team and I will review any WordPress theme and plugin updates and - here’s the most important bit - decide the best way to move forward for your website. I’ll never ever update until I can be sure it won’t break your site (I mentioned earlier that some agencies automatically update without checking first and why this is a big no-no!). If there IS a problem with an update, I’ll either hold off on actioning it, or create a workaround to stop it from crashing your site or compromising your security. My team and I will also check in on your website after updating to check everything is still working fine.

24/7 Advanced Security Monitoring + Protection

My team and I will, of course, put strong security measures in place on your website. But there will always be a risk of hackers attempting brute force and firewall attacks, even if your site is like a fortress. This is why I have systems in place to quickly respond to any security problems and address them for you. So no need to worry!

Daily On-Server Backups + Unlimited Restores

My team and I will create backups of your website every day. So if your site ever has a security breach, we’ll install a clean backup for you, no problem at all. In a situation like this, the major priority is to get your backup installed and your website back on its feet, with as little downtime as possible. Then I’ll head in with my detective hat on and figure out what the problem was, where it happened, why it happened. So we can put things in place to avoid it happening again!

Premium Hosting + SSL Certificate

You’ll get top of the line cloud hosting worth over $1000 a year so your website will run on the fastest servers. Because speed matters to your visitors. A lot. 47% of your visitors expect your website to load in two seconds or less (Sprout Social).

And 40% of your visitors will abandon your website if it takes over 3 seconds to load (KissMetrics).

At the end of the day, you’re investing in a high-performing website to generate more leads and revenue. All of that beautiful functionality is a waste of time if it’s just going to be slowed down by lagging servers. That’s exactly why I offer the very best hosting to protect your website’s performance and reputation. (Premium plan subscribers have the option to use their own hosting if they want to.)

Monthly Performance Audit + Server Cleanup

Your site will also be lightning fast because of the database cleaning my team and I will do. I also keep a very beady eye on my own servers and tweak them for peak performance. Everything I can do to boost your website’s speed - and make your competitors break out in a nervous sweat - will be done! 😉

Access to Premium Plugins

Your website gets a special all-access pass to my expensive library of premium plugins. Naturally, as a developer, I’m more than happy to pay for the best plugins - and share them with you as part of your care plan! You would pay over $500 a year for these plugins alone. As I’ve mentioned before, I want you to give you the very best of everything to help you smash your business goals.

Looking to upgrade your site or add something like a membership, cart, LMS or scheduler? We can add any of those features easily with plugins in the library for way less than you'll pay for yet another subscription.

24/7 Technical Support + Communication (for site outages)

You’ll be given a number you can text 24/7 in case of emergencies that will always be responded to on the same day. And you’ll also be given a separate email address you can use to get a response within 24 hours. You’ll never be left frantic and wondering “what the heck do I do now?” if your site goes down. Because you’ll always have tech support on tap for these kinds of emergencies.

Signing up for a care plan at the start of your custom project means:

You get 1 month of free maintenance

Yep. As a thank-you for signing up, you’ll get a free month of maintenance. It’ll give you the opportunity to experience just how easy all things “website” will be from now on. And validate just how wise you were to sign up for a care plan.

You won’t have to pay a website migration fee

If you put off the decision about a care plan until later on in your project, I will already be setting up your website to work on external hosting and planning to migrate your site - meaning a charge for this service will be applied to your project fee. Deciding at the start of your project that you want a care plan means your site will remain on my servers, so there is no migration process that will need to be paid for.

Your website won’t be left vulnerable

When you decide at the start of your design project that you want a care plan, I’ll look after your site from the minute it launches into the world. But if you come back later to have me take over maintenance for you, it means a chunk of time after launching where your site isn’t being monitored by a tech pro. Problems can happen fast. Just saying.


The Always Here for You Guarantee

I’d be a big pants-on-fire liar if I were to tell you that every tech issue can be easily fixed with a wave of my magic wand. And if anyone does try to promise you that, their pants are definitely on fire. Trust me.

Because the truth is some tech problems aren’t fixable - they need a “patch” or a workaround to get things running smoothly again. Yes, it’s not as sexy, but it is what it is. This is exactly why you need a tech expert in your corner who can figure out these kinds of solutions for you with minimal disruption. Someone who’s always there for you to turn to.

So here’s what I CAN guarantee you

when you sign up for a care plan:

Compare Packages


$ 50


$ 150


$ 397

Websites Included



Up to 5


Premium Cloud Hosting

Double the server space

Standalone server

WordPress Updates




24/7 Advanced Security Monitoring + Protection

Daily On-Server Backups + Unlimited Restores

Premium Hosting + SSL Certificate

Monthly Performance Audit + Server Cleanup

24/7 Technical Support for Site Outages

Premium Plugin Subscriptions

Referral Bonuses

Access to All Courses

Discounted Hourly Rates

Add-on sites for as little as $20 per site a month

Extra hourly Work Up to

1 hour

3 hours

Daily Off-Server Secondary Backup

24/7 Uptime + Speed Monitoring

Google Search Console Error Fixes

Bug Fixes

Database Optimization

DNS Management + Domain Integration

Discounted VIP Design Days

404/Broken Link Redirect Monitoring

Spam Monitoring

E-commerce, LMS or Membership Hosting

1 site

Ecommerce Store Management + Product Changes

Priority Inbox Support

Just choose your plan and you'll be redirected to the contract and invoice! Super simple!


Perfect for a simple website or solopreneur who wants to take maintenance + hosting off their to-do list.
$ 50
Core FeatureBasicPlusPro

Websites Included



Premium Cloud Hosting

WordPress Updates


24/7 Advanced Security Monitoring + Protection

Daily On-Server Backups + Unlimited Restores

Premium Hosting + SSL Certificate

Monthly Performance Audit + Server Cleanup

24/7 Technical Support for Site Outages

Premium Plugin Subscriptions

Referral Bonuses

Access to All Courses

Discounted Hourly Rates

Add-on sites for as little as $20 per site a month

Extra hourly Work Up to

Daily Off-Server Secondary Backup

24/7 Uptime + Speed Monitoring

Google Search Console Error Fixes

Bug Fixes

Database Optimization

DNS Management + Domain Integration

Discounted VIP Design Days

404/Broken Link Redirect Monitoring

Spam Monitoring

E-commerce, LMS or Membership Hosting

Ecommerce Store Management + Product Changes

Priority Inbox Support


Our most popular option. Perfect for the growing business who needs a little extra support.
$ 150
Core FeatureBasicPlusPro

Websites Included



Double the server space

WordPress Updates


24/7 Advanced Security Monitoring + Protection

Daily On-Server Backups + Unlimited Restores

Premium Hosting + SSL Certificate

Monthly Performance Audit + Server Cleanup

24/7 Technical Support for Site Outages

Premium Plugin Subscriptions

Referral Bonuses

Access to All Courses

Discounted Hourly Rates

Add-on sites for as little as $20 per site a month

Extra hourly Work Up to

1 hour

Daily Off-Server Secondary Backup

24/7 Uptime + Speed Monitoring

Google Search Console Error Fixes

Bug Fixes

Database Optimization

DNS Management + Domain Integration

Discounted VIP Design Days

404/Broken Link Redirect Monitoring

Spam Monitoring

E-commerce, LMS or Membership Hosting

Ecommerce Store Management + Product Changes

Priority Inbox Support


Perfect for e-commerce or businesses with more than 5 websites who need peace of mind that everything is running smoothly without them.
$ 397
Core FeatureBasicPlusPro

Websites Included

Up to 5


Standalone server

WordPress Updates


24/7 Advanced Security Monitoring + Protection

Daily On-Server Backups + Unlimited Restores

Premium Hosting + SSL Certificate

Monthly Performance Audit + Server Cleanup

24/7 Technical Support for Site Outages

Premium Plugin Subscriptions

Referral Bonuses

Access to All Courses

Discounted Hourly Rates

Add-on sites for as little as $20 per site a month

Extra hourly Work Up to

3 hours

Daily Off-Server Secondary Backup

24/7 Uptime + Speed Monitoring

Google Search Console Error Fixes

Bug Fixes

Database Optimization

DNS Management + Domain Integration

Discounted VIP Design Days

404/Broken Link Redirect Monitoring

Spam Monitoring

E-commerce, LMS or Membership Hosting

1 site

Ecommerce Store Management + Product Changes

Priority Inbox Support

You’ll get these extra perks with
Plus and Premium plans:

24/7 Uptime + Speed Monitoring

For bigger sites, it’s crucial to always keep on top of load times and accessibility. If your site is lagging or your uptime is patchy, visitors won’t bother hanging around. They’ll say adios pretty much instantly- and probably won’t come back. While we’re on the topic of website speed, my team and I will also go in and optimize your database to give an extra boost 🚀

Daily Off-Server Secondary Backups

Your site will be backed up every 12 hours and these are stored on the server as well as locally. So you can be doubly sure that the most up-to-date version of your website will never be lost forever!

Flexibility to Add Multiple Websites

If you have more than one website that was designed by me, you can easily add them onto your care plan. On the Plus plan, you can add additional smaller websites for as little as $20 per site a month, without needing to upgrade to the next tier. On the Premium plan, you get 1 e-commerce or large site plus 4 extra websites included and once you’ve reached that limit, you can add more for as little as $20 per site a month.

Additional websites will also benefit from all the premium plugins I subscribe to.

DNS Management + Integration

My team and I can easily pop in and point your domain toward your email or course software for you. Saves you having to Google it and figure out how to set it up right! You’ll also never have to worry about misconfiguring your site and suddenly getting a “site not found” message flashing on your website address.

Support to fix technical issues like bugs, links + page errors

Depending on the plan you choose, we offer a different level of support for fixing any errors that might happen to your site OR we can offer you additional time to get it resolved at a discounted rate. Google search console is straight up - harassing you with endless errors! Those alerts are filling up your email box but you have zero idea what to do! You’re in luck! Depending on the care package you choose, we can monitor those alerts, fix them on the spot, so you get to just press “delete” on all of those alerts, knowing they will be handled by your support team!

Discounted VIP Design Days

A VIP Design Day is a block of time 100% dedicated to your projects, to get them finished fast and off your to-do list. You can choose between a half day, a full day, or book multiple days.

Depending on which VIP option you choose, and which care plan you’re on, you can save up to 35% on these design days!

Get these exclusive services on the Premium plan only:

404/Redirect Monitoring

You know those “oops, this page doesn’t exist” pages? Not only are they annoying but they get in the way of your customer journey on your website. People can’t get where you want them to go and do what you want them to do if they hit dead pages.

So I’ll set up alerts that will let my team and I know when this happens on your site so we can take care of it quickly.

Spam Monitoring

I’ll put systems in place to catch any spammy contact form submissions and blog post comments on your website.

Ecommerce Store Management + Product Changes

My team and I will manage the day-to-day changes of your products, your coupons and sort out any purchase errors. (Please refer to your specific package for details on this)

Priority Inbox Support

Jump to the front of the queue and get a reply within 24 hours.

Q+A Time!

Let's get your questions answered

Here’s the thing. I’ve seen agencies who charge MORE than me, but you actually get less for your money than you would with my care plans.

I’ve also seen agencies offer more and charge less. In my experience though, those who charge less usually aren’t hands on enough – they’ll install your site backup if it goes down but not much else!

They’ll keep your website updated, sure, but they’ll usually automatically push through updates without checking to make sure nothing breaks. So your site isn’t really being “managed” at all.

Also, if you go with an agency like this, you’ll probably be working with someone in India, instead of having someone in your own time zone (or close to your time zone), who you can call on anytime.

It ain’t good. You’re looking at three options really: 

  1. You’ll pay me by the hour to come in and scrub your site.
  2. You’ll pay someone else who’s twice as expensive as me to do the same. 
  3. You’ll pay thousands of dollars for a service to clean your site. 


Because here’s the problem: when you don’t have somebody managing your website, and it goes down, whoever you bring in to fix it will have ZERO idea of when the problem happened or what caused it. So they then have to go through file by file to find the infection (and if you’re paying somebody by the hour, this can get pretty expensive!). 

But if, for example, I was maintaining your site, and a problem occurred, I would be able to glance through my systems and find out exactly what happened. And then be able to fix your site with as little downtime as possible.

If your site is infected, I’ll upload a clean backup and troubleshoot the problem. 

If it turns out the security vulnerability was because of a plug-in or theme I personally installed, or anything else that is directly related to my services, then of course I’ll fix your site at no extra charge to you.

However, if it turns out the problem was caused by not following my recommendations – things like not setting secure logins and passwords, installing extra plugins, or giving out admin privileges – then you can use the hours included with your package but anything beyond those hours will be charged by the hour. 

You can decide later, for sure. But bear in mind, it will end up costing more money. This isn’t a marketing urgency tactic, promise! The reason deciding, later on, will cost more is because I’ll be setting up your website to work on external hosting and planning to migrate your site – meaning a charge for this service will be applied to your project fee. 

Deciding at the start of your project that you want a care plan means your site will remain on my servers, so there is no migration process that you’ll need to pay for.

Also, if you decide later, there’s that period in between when I migrate your site and when you sign up for a care plan. Who will be protecting your new website during that time? 😢

Remember, you only get your free month of maintenance with me if you sign up for a care plan at the start of your project. 


You can upgrade or downgrade anytime, depending on your needs or budget. You’ll see the change on your next monthly payment.

Just give us 30 days’ notice via email and I’ll cancel your plan for you. Easy peasy!

Only Premium plan customers have the option to use their own hosting. But unfortunately, there isn’t a discount on this. Why? Honest answer: it actually takes more time for us to do maintenance when your site is hosted on a different server.

Of course!  Autopay makes the world a better – and more efficient – place! 🎉

If your website is infected/down/displaying error codes/showing broken elements, I’m here 24/7. When you sign up, you’ll get a dedicated number you can text anytime for website emergencies. And I’ll be on the case for you as soon as I can fire up the nearest computer. I always answer messages to this number on the same day. 

For anything else, my regular hours are Monday to Friday, 9am – 4pm Eastern Standard Time. And you’ll get a reply to your email within 24 – 72 hours, depending on the issue and level of urgency.

I’m happy to take any website I’ve built under my wing. There are different plans available to accommodate people with more than one site. 

On the Plus plan, you can add additional smaller websites for as little as $20 per site a month, without needing to upgrade to the next tier. 

On the Premium plan, you get 1 e-commerce or large site plus 4 extra websites included and once you’ve reached that limit, you can add more for as little as $20 per site a month.

The hourly work included with your specific plan is often utilized for any maintenance beyond simple updates and security measures. This can but is not limited to adding new e-commerce products, troubleshooting technical problems not caused by an update, adding new systems and integrations, design work, and adding new tutorials outside the scope of the initial design of the website, meetings, etc. 

Additional hourly work is work that falls outside the scope of your initial website design contract or the list of features in the table above. 

WooCommerce is a powerful e-commerce solution that requires more ongoing maintenance and upkeep than a regular WordPress site, which results in higher costs and more hours for our team. Here are a few reasons we only provide maintenance for E-Commerce sites on our highest-tier package. 

Complexity: WooCommerce is the plugin that adds e-commerce functionality to your WordPress website, which means more complexity is involved in maintaining a WooCommerce site. It requires ongoing maintenance of the product catalog, shopping cart, checkout process, and payment gateway integrations. Plus, troubleshoot customer issues and integrations between Woo and its other plugins. This takes more time and effort than maintaining a regular WordPress site. (The more plugins a site has, the more things need to be checked when performing ongoing maintenance – and Woo is a very complex plugin) 

Updates: Because WooCommerce is a plugin, it requires regular updates to stay current and secure. This means that you must regularly update both the WooCommerce plugin and any other plugins that are integrated with it (and ensure they are tested before updating to look for any conflicts). If you don’t keep your plugins up to date, you risk your site being vulnerable to security threats, which can be costly to fix, especially for an e-commerce site. 

Customization: Many WooCommerce sites require customizations to meet the business’s unique needs. This might include customizing the checkout process, integrating with third-party systems, or developing custom product pages. Customizations can be time-consuming and require technical expertise, which can drive up the cost of maintaining a WooCommerce site.

Hosting: E-commerce sites require more robust hosting solutions than regular websites. This is because they need to handle more traffic, more complex functionality, and more data. This is why every e-commerce site I manage lives on its own server, so your customers will never experience any server overload issues, downtime, or speed issues due to hosting. 

Compare Packages


$ 50


$ 150


$ 397

Websites Included



Up to 5


Premium Cloud Hosting

Double the server space

Standalone server

WordPress Updates




24/7 Advanced Security Monitoring + Protection

Daily On-Server Backups + Unlimited Restores

Premium Hosting + SSL Certificate

Monthly Performance Audit + Server Cleanup

24/7 Technical Support for Site Outages

Premium Plugin Subscriptions

Referral Bonuses

Access to All Courses

Discounted Hourly Rates

Add-on sites for as little as $20 per site a month

Extra hourly Work Up to

1 hour

3 hours

Daily Off-Server Secondary Backup

24/7 Uptime + Speed Monitoring

Google Search Console Error Fixes

Bug Fixes

Database Optimization

DNS Management + Domain Integration

Discounted VIP Design Days

404/Broken Link Redirect Monitoring

Spam Monitoring

E-commerce, LMS or Membership Hosting

1 site

Ecommerce Store Management + Product Changes

Priority Inbox Support

Just choose your plan and you'll be redirected to the contract and invoice! Super simple!


Perfect for a simple website or solopreneur who wants to take maintenance + hosting off their to-do list.
$ 50
Core FeatureBasicPlusPro

Websites Included



Premium Cloud Hosting

WordPress Updates


24/7 Advanced Security Monitoring + Protection

Daily On-Server Backups + Unlimited Restores

Premium Hosting + SSL Certificate

Monthly Performance Audit + Server Cleanup

24/7 Technical Support for Site Outages

Premium Plugin Subscriptions

Referral Bonuses

Access to All Courses

Discounted Hourly Rates

Add-on sites for as little as $20 per site a month

Extra hourly Work Up to

Daily Off-Server Secondary Backup

24/7 Uptime + Speed Monitoring

Google Search Console Error Fixes

Bug Fixes

Database Optimization

DNS Management + Domain Integration

Discounted VIP Design Days

404/Broken Link Redirect Monitoring

Spam Monitoring

E-commerce, LMS or Membership Hosting

Ecommerce Store Management + Product Changes

Priority Inbox Support


Our most popular option. Perfect for the growing business who needs a little extra support.
$ 150
Core FeatureBasicPlusPro

Websites Included



Double the server space

WordPress Updates


24/7 Advanced Security Monitoring + Protection

Daily On-Server Backups + Unlimited Restores

Premium Hosting + SSL Certificate

Monthly Performance Audit + Server Cleanup

24/7 Technical Support for Site Outages

Premium Plugin Subscriptions

Referral Bonuses

Access to All Courses

Discounted Hourly Rates

Add-on sites for as little as $20 per site a month

Extra hourly Work Up to

1 hour

Daily Off-Server Secondary Backup

24/7 Uptime + Speed Monitoring

Google Search Console Error Fixes

Bug Fixes

Database Optimization

DNS Management + Domain Integration

Discounted VIP Design Days

404/Broken Link Redirect Monitoring

Spam Monitoring

E-commerce, LMS or Membership Hosting

Ecommerce Store Management + Product Changes

Priority Inbox Support


Perfect for e-commerce or businesses with more than 5 websites who need peace of mind that everything is running smoothly without them.
$ 397
Core FeatureBasicPlusPro

Websites Included

Up to 5


Standalone server

WordPress Updates


24/7 Advanced Security Monitoring + Protection

Daily On-Server Backups + Unlimited Restores

Premium Hosting + SSL Certificate

Monthly Performance Audit + Server Cleanup

24/7 Technical Support for Site Outages

Premium Plugin Subscriptions

Referral Bonuses

Access to All Courses

Discounted Hourly Rates

Add-on sites for as little as $20 per site a month

Extra hourly Work Up to

3 hours

Daily Off-Server Secondary Backup

24/7 Uptime + Speed Monitoring

Google Search Console Error Fixes

Bug Fixes

Database Optimization

DNS Management + Domain Integration

Discounted VIP Design Days

404/Broken Link Redirect Monitoring

Spam Monitoring

E-commerce, LMS or Membership Hosting

1 site

Ecommerce Store Management + Product Changes

Priority Inbox Support