Ahhh! I need a designer for this pronto!

You’re a mission-driven entrepreneur struggling to do All The Things and wear All The Hats in your business

You started your business to make an impact

You want to have an impact on your clients’ lives. But how are you supposed to do that if your pages aren't connecting, converting or inspiring trust in your customers?

you want...

Which means you’re pushing yourself hard to grow your business.

Remember that thing up top about wearing all the hats? That’s where you’re at right now.

Mockup venture template

You deserve
to feel

in your brand and everything you put out there.

instead of feeling like you’re spinning your wheels because you have too much stuff to manage.

Because you'd love love LOVE

To hit that multiple six-figure a year goal

and pop that champagne sooner rather than later. But you can’t create a plan to do that if you’re too busy trying to take everything else on.

And your business is growing fast

and outgrowing the design you have right now

You’re feeling like your brand visuals need a serious makeover to keep up with where your business is headed. And you definitely don’t want your outdated design to stand in the way of your growth.

You’re ready for the next level.

And to do that, you know you need an expert for your design, ASAP – because you don’t have time for long waitlists or projects that drag out for months on end.

You need to get on top of your workload. Now.


it’s not like you have stockpiles of cash lying around.

And you’re not willing to go with a cheap designer on Fiverr or Upwork – because you get what you pay for and you know your business deserves more.

Agencies are also out of the question (because of budget, timelines . . . and the horror stories you’ve heard from people about working with agencies.)

You want someone you can really trust to handle this.

Because you don’t just need something that looks good.

You need design work that’s tailored to your brand and your ideal clients . . . and built to generate revenue.


The VIP design day

Perfect for entrepreneurs who need to get on top of their workload FAST.

A full day dedicated to completing projects that normally take weeks. You get 7 hours, 100% focused on the creation of authentic and results-driven designs for your brand. With your design to-dos finally ticked off, you can focus on growing your business and helping your clients transform their lives.

You get Design that's On-Brand

AND primed to make your dream clients your new leads and customers. . . for the best price.

Because I block out the entire day to SOLELY focus on your work, distraction-free, it means I can get more done. Which means it costs you a whole lot less than it would to pay by the hour.

A VIP Design Day also means:

"Her full attention"

"What I loved about the VIP day was that I had a whole list of stuff that needed doing, and it was great to know that I had Lena’s full attention for the day. Back forth, back forth, we could say this, do that. It was just so much more of an efficient use of time. I felt like we achieved a lot in a shorter space of time.”

Tara Ghosh, Coach



The yang to your yin. I’m ready to help bring balance to your business.

I’m here to remove the tech boulders blocking your path – so you can move forward and guide others on their transformational journey.

I’m here to create your new website – one that empowers your future clients to take the next step on their journey. I’m here to help your light shine even brighter.

I've worked for countless marketing companies launching 7-figure brands - and I know what it takes to deliver massive results.

And I’ve learned what it takes to turn big dreams into a

Thriving and impactful business.

I’ve developed proven systems that reimagine the web design process – fusing wealth, beauty, and functionality into your virtual thumbprint.

I began offering VIP days to give you design that embodies your vision in way less time. Not only that, but your pages will connect with and empower the people you serve with design that converts.

All so you can tackle your to do list and conquer your next project.

My method gives your web presence beauty and flawless Function

Your prospective clients will be guided

along the path to becoming customers.

Which means an extra zero in your bank account. (That’s always nice.) While you’re reading this, I’m probably trying to decide between a cocktail or kombucha – not an easy choice! And dreaming of ways I can help other entrepreneurs optimize their customer journey with authentic visual messaging and streamlined, data-based, web pages. So you can sit back, put their feet up, and know that you don’t have to worry about the design.

I’m here to take the tech burden off your plate so you can focus on what truly lights you up - your clients. 

From one passionate, ambitious dreamer to another - I want to see you crush it. 

What can we get done during a
VIP Design Day?

The secret to getting your design work done fast actually lies in the prep we do before your VIP day. So we could achieve just about anything, really. But that’s not a helpful answer, is it? You want examples!

Things you could finally get ticked off your to-do list:​

“You can really get my design to-dos done that fast? How is that even possible?!”

Because I’m a super-sparkly design unicorn, Just kidding! I wish. Serious answer 👇

The step-by-step breakdown of

How it works

(it’s still pretty magical!):

Before your Day

Once you’ve clicked the button further down on this page, you’ll be directed to a form to fill out. I’ll then email you with some follow-up questions. Once you’ve answered those - and said a big “hell yes, let’s do this!” - I’ll send you a proposal with a contract and invoice.

Next, you’ll get an email with a Calendly link to book your VIP day (check you out!). Once you’ve booked you’ll have various tasks assigned to you, so we have everything we need for our day together to go fabulously. And ya know, the pre-work helps make sure you get a design that you LOVE - and that your ideal clients will love - at the end of your day!

(Disclaimer: happy tears are a possibility.) If necessary, we’ll have a meeting to discuss the stuff that you need to gather.

On your Day

Wahoo, it’s a big day today!

Because of all the prep we did, we won’t need to have a meeting in the morning. I can dive straight into your tasks with Voxer at the ready so we can talk in real time and get any questions answered immediately.

This next part kinda depends on what we’re working on. But here are a couple of examples, so you know roughly what to expect and how your day may look. 

How your project
shapes your day

If we’re doing a sales page, I’ll send you the first few sections as soon as they’re finished for you to review.

We do this to catch any bigger design changes you want early on, to apply to the rest of the page. (No sense in creating extra work when we’re on the clock!).

If I’m working on your website pages, I’ll send over sections for you to look at, and I’ll move on to the next task while you’re reviewing.

If it’s something like a landing page, I can get going on the thank-you page while you’re looking it over.

As soon as
I’m finished designing

And you’re reviewing the last pieces...

I’ll move on to implementing your edits. Depending on how much time we have left, we may need to jump onto Zoom to get your edits knocked out in real-time. Yay for efficiency!

After your Day

If you booked a full day with me, you get 1 bonus round of edits that are due within 7 days after your VIP day. These will be super easy to request inside our fancy editing software (I’ll walk you through how to use this, don’t worry!). Once you’ve sent your edits over, I’ll finish them up for you within 7 days of receiving them.

And then it’s onto offboarding and wrapping up! I’ll do a video review of everything we accomplished and you’ll also get important info like how to make your own edits or add in more sections moving forward.

I’m super confident you’ll be feeling vibes like
“why on earth didn’t I do this sooner?!”

"No one matches her excellence"

“I’ve worked with several different web designers and developers over the years and NO ONE can match the gorgeous level of excellence Lena provides. No matter what project we’ve worked together on I’m always impressed by her knowledge of conversion tactics and strategies. We trust her to get the results we desire and I promise you will too.”

- Jamie Russell, Strategist

Ready to to book?

Got Questions?

I’ve got answers right here!

A VIP Design Day actually costs you waaay less than it would to hire me on an hourly basis. Because I’ve developed a system for efficient time management and I’m 100% concentrating on your work during our VIP day, I can get more done in less time. Hence the lower price!

This is exactly why we do all the prep beforehand and I ask you to upload key information before our day – so as I have a clear idea of your vision, your brand, your design likes and dislikes, your client avatar, and so on. Because if we DIDN’T do any prep. . . erm. Yeah. That would be a disaster waiting to happen.

And this is also why you’ll get work delivered to you throughout the day for you to review. So any big changes that affect the rest of the work are caught early on!

Nobody in the marketing space can guarantee their work will definitely bring in X amount of leads or generate X amount of revenue – there are just too many factors involved.

I do ask for as much data and information about your ideal client before your day so I can research and tailor the design to this specific avatar (things like image choices, type size, colors, layout all come into play).

I specialize in UX and UI-design which is steeped in proven conversion principles – which will put your pages in the best position to generate results.

I only offer 1 VIP day a week so I book up fast! As of right now, VIP days need to be booked a minimum of 1 month in advance. Having said that, it’s worth double-checking availability if you do need a quicker turnaround as I may have last minute cancellations.

Yes! Being able to chat quickly back and forth during the day on Voxer is critical for a successful VIP Design Day. Because when you’re on the clock, you can’t afford to waste time waiting for a reply to important questions. This is your day to get things done in your business and you deserve for it to be as productive as possible.

Absolutely! When we do the offboarding at the end, you’ll get everything you need to know about how to make your own tweaks and add bits in. I won’t leave you high and dry, pinky promise!

Your deposit is fully refundable up to 30 days before your booked day. You can reschedule up to 7 days before your VIP day, but the entire invoice amount will become non refundable once you reschedule.

No refunds will be given if a cancellation occurs in the last 7 days before your day (except in rare cases where it is deemed appropriate).

There will be no refunds given AFTER our VIP day together, as you’re paying me for time spent working on your projects. This is why we do the preparation beforehand and why we “drip” work to you for review throughout your day, to make sure you’ll be happy with your deliverables at the end.

This is the #1 reason we never recommend booking a day unless you have a bigger project that will probably take multiple days or 2 projects – so we can hack away at the second project that isn’t as much of a priority while you review and request edits.

For example, if you want a shorter sales page done or a few opt-ins, you can always add an overflow project to tackle if we have extra time – such as a few social graphics or pieces of an upcoming project.

I’ll do my best to blast through as much of your design work as possible. But to make sure you get the most pressing tasks taken care of, I’ll ask you to flag the high-priority tasks in your dashboard before your day.
You’ll also have the option to add on a half-day, full-day, or a la carte rounds of edits to complete the remaining items.

If you have a very long list of items I may ask if you would be comfortable finding the images yourself to replace the placeholders. Finding images eats up a lot of time and my priority is getting you the design of the page.  Then, once you find the images, I can add your linked images to your site during your final round of edits after your day. 

Please note: If you have outstanding edits after your full VIP day, those will be included in your additional round of edits.

This totally depends on how many items you need designed and what each item is. Click one of the buttons on this page to fill out a form and we can then chat about your design needs, and how long it’ll take to get them all checked off!

Of course! But you need to provide the API info, lists + tags in your dashboard.

Yes! This is perfect if you need design work on a regular basis, or have a big project that will take a few days. If you book 2 days, you get a 10%-25% discount.

In short. A lot. More than any other designer I know. But that will depend a lot on you and how much you can do on your end.

If you provide me with everything I need to create your projects and are happy with a 1st draft that you can finalize. I can get way more done than if you need me to curate images, go through multiple sets of edits and test everything for you. 

At the end of the day do you want quantity (so you can get the most bang for your buck) or quality (where you get a finalized piece of fully functioning art)? 

Answering that question will give you an idea of how much I can achieve in 1 day. 

Ready to to book?